Kapnick Orchards
Website: kapnicks@tc3net.com
This grower uses synthetic fertilizers and/or pesticides.
This grower has a photo album.
Kapnick Orchards has been a family owned business for many years. It was founded in 1958 by Robert and Gertrude Kapnick and Charles and Janice Kapnick. Our farm market, near Tecumseh, was first opened in 1961. In 1975, Charles and Janice purchased the market from Charles’ parents Robert and Gertrude Kapnick. Currently the market is operated by Sharon and Bruce Shaffer and Scott Robertello, who purchased the farm from Janice in 2001. Sharon is the daughter of Janice and Charles. In 2011, Kapnick Orchards celebrated their 50th anniversary. During the fifty years, Kapnick Orchards has seen many changes. It was transformed from a one room store to the larger operation of today.
Not only has the size grown, but also so has the product line. We have our own bakery and cider mill. Our product line includes many fruits and vegetables, and our own homemade fudge and apple butter. We also carry a great line of jams, candies and nuts. We press our own un pasteurized cider, which gives it a unique and fantastic flavor, but we also offer our cider treated with UV light as an alternative to pasteurization.
Pest Management Practices
We practice I.P.M., Integrated Pest Management which means we do not spray on a schedule. Spraying is done only when there might be significant damage to our crops. We use computer programs from Michigan State University to determine the best time to spray to control a large group of pests at once to limit our applications. We are licensed by the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.</P